Make sure you get a reasonably good reference on where or where akan create TATTOO-Piercing, consult first with the friends you may be more experienced in world-TATTOO Piercing.
2. Hygiene
Maintaining cleanliness is important, make sure to use sterile instruments, both needle, tube, a tool I made from plastic or made of stenlis.
At least 2 days before you make TATTOO / Piercing condition you must make sure the body is in a very good stamina or health. This is important because if the condition of the body in a less healthy then you can experience a variety of obstacles in the process of making / after-TATTOO Piercing.
4. Eat
Consume healthy food is also highly recommended before making any tattoo or even better if a few hours before TATTOO / Piercing you eat enough and make sure the condition you are not weak.
TATTOO akan because there is a lifetime dibadan you, then you must make sure the type and design that you created TATTOO. Do not be until after you feel does not fit with the Past TATTOO stick on your body. Maybe you heard TATTOO can be deleted, but will also cost you the most and I do not like the skin. So should you really think the design is suitable for you.
6. TATTOO without HIV-AIDS
source: domba-bunting.blogspot.com
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